
Monday, April 11, 2011

A trip to south coast with a lucky start.

We set of a little later than i wanted to but a long week and lack of sleep saw me sleep it out and as one of the lads said you never sleep it out.We meet at my shop and got the bait ready our plan b. Loaded up and on the road we were all looking to open our bass A/C and maybe get a few other fish.
The lads were up the road and the phones were buzzing with who will get the first bass, some of the lads opted for the shore. The kayak crew us were the ones bring up the rear on the way down .
As we passed Coyns cross disaster struck the roof rack came away from the car and our kayaks and rods were in mid air in my rear view mirror pull in was the shout and i did that .The gods were on my side today Stephen who was coming behind me saw what happened and him and Garry hoped out and got the two kayaks and the rods to the hard shoulder .We decided to press on Stephen took one of the kayaks and i put the other on the roof of my car with some towels and 8 straps .Looking back on this i have traveled to lots of places and this has never happened i used 4 heavy straps for the job and it always worked .I am now going to tie the kayaks to the car at the front and rear as an extra as i feel if this was in place on Sunday i would not be writing this .
We got to the coast and it was flat calm the early lads had nothing to report no fish but the water was full of bait fish.We got the yaks together and off we went i was never happier to be on the water that first cast was like a switch and everything else slipped out of my mind the fishing was all i could think of and a bass was what i needed.Their was a lot of drifting weed and debris on the surface so the kayak came in to its own to find clear water ,i found that the bays out of the tide were clean and we fished them up and down the tide but the bass were not playing ball today.Some of the lads stuck with the bass and some went on to the pollock they scored and had some nice pollock.,others had plan B all ready in place and the rag worms were catching some nice wrass and pollock.Lunch time for us and time to get a new plan together to catch our first bass .
Only 3 of us stuck with the plugging and with the tide turning we gave it another go a nice sunny bay i drifted across covering every rock and behind me i got the shout yes fish on Jonathon was in to his first bass and loving it i got around to see him landing it in to his kayak and the smile on his face said how we all felt for him pictures taken and back fishing with that buzz you get when someone gets a fish you hope every cast is going to be the one .It was getting late and the sun was doping then yes a fish on but not the one i wanted a pollock on my plug followed by 2 more this is the time they come out to play .The light was fading and i had a bit to get to the car so the score so far is bass 6 Dave 0 .Till next week maybe .


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