
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Irish Bass Conservation -do we need to start recording catches.

Do we need to start recording our bass catches around the country [IE Kerry 10 Dublin 5 Wexford 5] With this information we can say how many bass are been caught and returned and we can add up the value to fight our case .
The Bass group in the UK are doing this and when they go knocking on the politicians  doors they have data to back up their claims
Is it not time we in Ireland as anglers have our say and have data / facts to back up our claims the salmon people registered all their catches and used it to stop drift net fishing.When you can add up in euros what the bass are wort swimming in the sea and not on a plate this is when all around will see what we are saying and fighting for.My be Irish bass might look at this or the IFI .
.As i said in another post Value to the tourist sector from bass is growing at a great rate ,if a rod caught salmon is worth 436 Euros to the Irish economy according to Suzanne Camoion,Business Development Manager at Inland Fisheries Ireland.So with the allowable catch for 2011at 91,338,the value for tourism market is huge.How many bass are caught by tourists each year and returned for the next person to catch.Add up what bass are bringing to Ireland in revenue in the times we live in.If the same amount of bass are caught in 2011 as salmon bass fishing is wort 39,823369 to the Irish people [hotels b/b shops guides bait bars food] This is just a small thing in a big wheel but it is one thing we can change and bring back the fish stocks that we once had .

And the next time you are catching a few bass put a few back for the ghosts of all the great bass anglers gone by to catch a few when no one is looking.

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